Protokol Aerodinamicheskih Ispitanij Ventilyacii Blank
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s Mount Merapi shot a towering plume of ash about 6 kilometers (4 miles) high Friday in an eruption authorities said lasted two minutes. The National Disaster Mitigation Agency said the volcano’s alert status, raised last month from the lowest level, is unchanged and a 3-kilometer (1.8-mile) no-go zone around the crater remains in force. It said the eruption at 8.20 a.m. Caused no panic and nearby Adi Sucipto Yogyakarta International Airport is still open to flights. The mountain is about 30 kilometers (18 miles) from center of Yogyakarta city on the densely populated island of Java.
Consumer behaviour introduction. Slavic and East European Collections, The New York Public Library. 'Polotentse o dvukh raznykh kontsakh Kargopol'skoi uezda Olonetskoi gub. Izobrazhaet lev zveria i ptitsu dvuglavago orla. Ispolneno po kholstu tsvetnymi sherstiami.' The New York Public Library Digital Collections.