Seagull Ces 52 Test Download
CES 4.1 & 5 Seagull AS (QUESTIONS & CORRECT ANSWERS). Arrangements should be made for testing of the atmosphere to ensure.
AAET - Transistor AAJT - A large temperature drop across the dri. AALB - 30 litres pr.
Naucal mile. AAWE - lowering of at least one lifeoat a!er. ABA' - #e has control of the na$igaon and mo.
ABA% - &a$itaon ABB' - 'igure ( AB)* - Water +ump +liers ABE, - not less than (0m AB'& - ne long last followed / two short l. Rhinoio keygen. AB# - 'orward reast line is gi$en / & on th.
AB1J - B/ so! Machine scruing with red pad. ABL# - 2es e$en if he4 she did not die while. AB+J - The emplo/er4master.
A&AJ - 5ecure hatches A&B6 - To a$oid polluon. A&'& - Ensure that the chart and the '+5 use s. A&1J - &hemical foams A&%7 - Atmosphere is not comusle in either. A&+' - B/ smothering and also / pro$iding som. A&61 - 8 h 8 candelas 9aout (: mile range a. A&2L -,of/ the &hief ;cer or o;cer on.
A)L5 - &harts naucal pulicaons '%)55 lo. A),, -%achiner/ spaces of categor/ A A)TB - Because the/ wanted to maide 5oluon AE'B - 'irst aspect con=rm death.,of/ comp. AE1 - E$er/ three months AE%* -?ed AE,E - To pre$ent the steam and water in the . AE' - To determine wether the ship is seawort. AE+T - )isperse or dissol$e the oil into the w. AE+ - 2es the can e dumped if the/.
A'&L - / $olume. - roune A'T2 - select the tele> in on-line posion A'22 - When unsaturat unsaturated ed chemical compounds are. A' - 'lat =le A'E& - A tancessi$e high pressure in t. - 0G08 et (8(%#N BLWW -%aico B*&L - 5ecure hatches B*)1 - Luricang oil. B*'B -%' B*'2 - All the answers are good B*CE -%&A B*1T - 2es B*,' - That the shipowner is a,orwegian sue. - A numer of lifeacimum hours per da/ or 0 hours pe. &BJ' - once a month &BT# - Walcitaon current.
)E&% - &hecide 9&8 s/stem )'&1 - There must alwa/s e one man on the shi. )')C - B/ muster lists e>hiited in conspicuou. )'#% - +roporonal M integral 9+C )'L5 - 'E& mode )'%C - 'l/cerine is compale with oth of th. )'+6 -,on-comusle material )'*5 - 8( o>/gen / $olume and 0 h/drocaron. )'5, - &aron dio>ide )'T6 - of the total $olume of the space )'6E - Thermocouple sensor )'6' - 'igure 8. )'2B - 8 or:0 mm )'2E - All the listed alterna$es )'2J - unl - ( U& )'% - All the menoned alterna$es. )'CC - Lower lifeoat to water )'1?
- Adustale wrench )'LL - 5tart with =ring using s. )'?C - 3 sets )'?L - At all mes )'?, - A short circuit occurs etween earth fa. )'T& - &onduc$it/ test. )'T - Two prolonged lasts on the whistle at. )'6& - &learing escape routes )'6) - Lower e>plosi$e limit. )'6% - 5afet/ call )#CB -?eect itU )#JB - Trip4stop all nonessenal loads that a.
)#1T - summoning of passengers and c rew to mus. )#,' - (.%B )#+? Aplikasi koperasi simpan pinjam xls file. - 5taroard Fuarter is gi$en / & on the.
)#7 - a painter to the release de$ic. )CE+ - #arness with a rope secured to a safe p.
Part of the tanhaust gases from oiler. '? - ( '?* - Best use of the sur$i$al cra! '?TC - all of the ao$e '?2' - Tacessi$e high pressure in t. 'W'+ - Water e>nguisher. 'W#& - Cncomer picic gases '&LC - hours '&7 - Y. '&?A - he 5LA5 con$enon '&5 - E5) is Emergenc/ 5hut )own and the rele.
')&T - To all seafarers. '))2 - +ressure diaphragm ')'1 - Turning the plunger piston according t.
')#A - 'ull astern and drop the anchor ')#6 - 5ent to?55 within hours of closure ')J1 -?adiotele> and )5& - 'reFuenc/ shi! '?W - To recei$e informaon aout ships in t.
'5+ - +repare it immediatel/ efore ser$ing. '7A - The current and wind are holding the $e. '7* - semi-duple> '#A - Training in lifeoat handling. '#A6 - 5omemes it is necessar/ to facilitate. '#'+ - 0 of the Cnert gas generatorKs capac. '#'6 - Cncondensile $apour in the cargo.