Licenzionnij Kod K Igre Blur
Hi Steve, Essentially the underlying process of injecting the drivers is very similar in both methods. Where we differentiate from using driver packages is for several reasons, that are not really to do with OSD as such, but avoid adding the driver information to the SQL DB, the lengthy import process, avoiding the knock on performance impact on the console associated with doing so, and avoiding the total chaos method if people selecting to apply compatible drivers which could be from multiple models.
Set Mesh Quality to Ultra, it helps you see/spot enemies that are very far away. Ambient Occlusion: Off, slightly distracting lights with a huge performance hit. Motion Blur: Off Turn off AA (Post), all options make everything blurry. AA Deferred is fine if your system can handle it, moderate FPS hit. Effects: Low/medium will make explosions less distracting. Undergrowth quality: Low will make it easier to see through brush.
Znaci iste fore kao i za bf3 i bf4. Btw igra li netko na 4k rezoluciji? Ako igra koji grafu ima, i koji je prosjek fps-a na nekim srednjim postavkama? Kad bi bar postojale hrvatske riječi za 'broken' i 'competitive'. Meni se čini da si ti samo kronični mrzitelj svega. RS Siege ima puno velikih natjecanja – to što za njih nisi čuo ne znači apsolutno ništa.
Na koncu, Siege nije igra za mase. Netko je iznad zamjerio da meci nisu dovoljno raštrkani kad se puca. Savjetujem da upali BF4, pa vidi koliko pravocrtno apsolutno svaki metak ide, čak i kada se puca rafalno. Odigrao sam neki dan 'oproštajnu' rundu Battlefielda 4 i iznenadio se koliko je sustav pucanja inferioran u odnosu na BF1.
Da li imaju jos neke slicne igre koje su dobre? Da li ima mozda neki Hack n’ Slash koji moze u dvoje da se igra? Ili nesto slicno tome? Sve osim sportskih igara. Navedite mi neke ako nije problem.